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How many AA guns did Yamato have?

How many AA guns did Yamato have?

When first outfitted in 1941, Yamato had only 24 small anti-aircraft machine guns. By April 1945, anticipating an onslaught of Allied planes, the Imperial Navy armed Yamato with more than 150 machine guns, most in triple-mounted turrets.

What class of ship was the Yamato?

The Yamato-class battleships (大和型戦艦, Yamato-gata senkan) were two battleships of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN), Yamato and Musashi, laid down leading up to World War II and completed as designed.

What powered the Yamato?

The Yamato class as stated earlier was powered entirely by steam, 12 Kampon boilers (oil-fired) powering four steam turbines. In total, they provided an indicated horsepower output of 147,948 (110,325 kW).

What sank the Musashi?

During the Battle of Leyte Gulf, Musashi was sunk by an estimated 19 torpedo and 17 bomb hits from American carrier-based aircraft on 24 October 1944. Over half of her crew was rescued. Her wreck was located in March 2015 by a team of researchers employed by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

What was Japan biggest battleship ever built?

Japanese battleship Yamato

Empire of Japan
Displacement 65,027 t (64,000 long tons) (normal) 71,659 t (70,527 long tons) (full load)
Length 256 m (839 ft 11 in) (waterline) 263 m (862 ft 10 in) (o/a)
Beam 38.9 m (127 ft 7 in)

What is the difference between Yamato and Musashi?

The Musashi is nearly identical to the Yamato, except it boasts an additional second in turn rate, an additional 0.3 or 0.4 knots, and aircraft with a 10+ health increase over Yamato’s.

Qu’est-ce que le tonnerre de la foudre?

Il est causé par le réchauffement et l’expansion intenses de l’air le long du canal de la foudre. Le grondement du tonnerre est causé par le bruit qui arrive de certaines parties du canal à différentes distances.

Qu’est-ce que le tonnerre?

Le tonnerre est le son aigu ou grondant qui accompagne la foudre. Il est causé par le réchauffement et l’expansion intenses de l’air le long du canal de la foudre. Le grondement du tonnerre est causé par le bruit qui arrive de certaines parties du canal à différentes distances.

Quelle est la différence entre Tonnerre et Fatal-Foudre?

Sa précision de 70% fait donner la préférence à Tonnerre, une capacité du même type, moins puissante mais plus précise. Cet avantage est cependant annulé en temps pluvieux, puisque Fatal-Foudre ne rate jamais sous cette intempérie.

Quels sont les dangers du tonnerre?

Le tonnerre ne peut blesser personne (sauf par le choc de pression acoustique si la foudre frappe de très près), et le risque d’être frappé par la foudre est bien moindre que celui d’être tué dans un accident de voiture.