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What is the platonist perspective of mathematics?

What is the platonist perspective of mathematics?

Platonism about mathematics (or mathematical platonism) is the metaphysical view that there are abstract mathematical objects whose existence is independent of us and our language, thought, and practices. Just as electrons and planets exist independently of us, so do numbers and sets.

What is a Platonic number?

The Platonic numbers (A053012) are the numbers of dots in a layered geometric arrangement into one of the 5 Platonic solids. [1] The platonic numbers start with one initial dot (for. n = 1. ), then with one dot at each vertex of a given Platonic solid (for. n = 2.

What Platonism teaches?

Plato regards education as a means to achieve justice, both individual justice and social justice. According to Plato, individual justice can be obtained when each individual develops his or her ability to the fullest. In this sense, justice means excellence. For the Greeks and Plato, excellence is virtue.

Was Plato a dualist or an idealist?

Thus from metaphysical and epistemological point of view Plato is a dualist. Moreover, a perfect idealist philosopher never believes the external reality apart from mind. He believes that if any reality exists, it exists in the form of ideas in the mind.

What did Plato say about geometry?

This was Plato’s view. He held that perceptible objects do not really instantiate geometrical properties: nothing perceptible has a perfectly plane surface, or a perfectly straight edge; nothing perceptible is perfectly spherical or perfectly circular, not even planetary orbits (Rep VII 529c-530a; VIIth Letter 343a).

What is Plato’s Platonism?

Platonism. Platonism, any philosophy that derives its ultimate inspiration from Plato. Though there was in antiquity a tradition about Plato’s “unwritten doctrines,” Platonism then and later was based primarily on a reading of the dialogues. But these can be read in many different ways, often very selectively,…

What was Platonism in the 13th century?

As a result, the Platonism of the 13th century was a many-sided jewel, with facets that were labeled Augustinian, Avicennian, Franciscan, Dionysian, Albertist, and mystical. (see augustinianism; scholasticism.) An important achievement toward the end of the century was the translation of Proclus from the Greek by william of moerbeke.

How did Platonism influence the development of religion?

Not infrequently, Platonism has also influenced the elaboration of religious doctrines, and on this account is variously called Jewish, Islamic, or Christian.

What is Middle Platonism in the Bible?

Middle Platonism. The Middle Platonists, as opposed to the earlier members of the Academies, were a group of writers of Greek who flourished from the beginning of the reign of Hadrian in a.d. 117 to the end of the reign of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus in 180.