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What is ulnar styloid ossicle?

What is ulnar styloid ossicle?

The Persistent ulnar styloid ossicle is a variant formed when the ulnar styloid process fails to unite with the rest of the ulna bone. It is usually identified by the presence of smooth, well corticated margins all round, without any associated surrounding soft tissue swelling.

What is Ununited ulnar styloid?

Non-union of the ulnar styloid was defined as a visible fracture line on conventional posteroanterior radiographs at least 6 months after trauma. Sixteen patients were diagnosed with union and 18 with non-union of the ulnar styloid base fracture.

How long does it take for a ulnar styloid fracture to heal?

If the ulnar styloid fracture is undisplaced or reduces with reduction of the distal radius, as happens in most cases [19], patients can be treated with an above elbow cast for 6 weeks [20].

Does an ulnar styloid fracture require surgery?

While distal radius fractures usually require realignment, a cast, or surgery, ulnar styloid fractures themselves usually don’t require treatment.

What is an ossicle in the wrist?

Objective Accessory ossicles of the wrist are generally asymptomatic and detected incidentally as radiological findings. These bones are rarely symptomatic but can produce pain in cases of impingement or direct trauma.

What is a bone ossicle?

Ossicles are small bones. The ossicles which occur in the ankle are accessory ossicles – extra bones which form naturally during the development of the skeleton. The most common accessory ossicle in the ankle is the Os trigonum, which occurs in about 5-10% of all people. It forms next to the talus (or anklebone).

How do you treat ossicles?

These ossicles are not usually a problem but can become irritable with injury to the foot. Treatment can include rest, ice , elevation, and immobilization. This usually requires a boot extending up to the knee. The treatment period may require several weeks to achieve complete healing.