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What area code is 45239?

What area code is 45239?

Zip Code 45239 Description Zip Code 45239 is located in the state of Ohio in the Cincinnati metro area. Zip code 45239 is primarily located in Hamilton County. The official US Postal Service name for 45239 is CINCINNATI, Ohio.

What county is ZIP code 45255 in?

Hamilton County
ZIP Code 45255

Post Office City: Cincinnati, OH (View All Cities)
County: Hamilton County
Timezone: Eastern (11:01am)
Area code: 513 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates: 39.06, -84.34 ZIP (~4 mile radius)

Where is 45239 in Cincinnati?

Cincinnati, OHNorth College Hill, OHGroesbeck, OHWhite Oak, OHMonfort Heights, OH

What county is 45239 located in?

Hamilton County45239 / County

What part of town is 45223?

ZIP Code 45223

Post Office City: Cincinnati, OH (View All Cities)
Neighborhood: Northside
County: Hamilton County
Timezone: Eastern (12:01am)
Area code: 513 (Area Code Map)

What county is ZIP code 45229 in?

Hamilton County45229 / County

What is North College Hill zip code?

North College Hill/Zip codes

What county is ZIP 45244 in?

ZIP Code 45244

Post Office City: Cincinnati, OH (View All Cities)
County: Hamilton County
Timezone: Eastern (8:48pm)
Area code: 513 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates: 39.12, -84.33 ZIP (~5 mile radius)

What county is ZIP code 45223?

Hamilton County45223 / County

Who is the mayor of North College Hill?

Mayor Tracie Nichols
Mayor Tracie Nichols resides and works in The City Of North College Hill.

How often is the ZIP code for 45239 updated?

Prepare to buy in/near ZIP Code 45239. The ZIP Code maps and database are updated 4 times per year. Database updated: October 1, 2021, Maps updated: May 5, 2021.

What is The racial makeup of 45239?

The majority ethnicity residing in 45239 is White while the majority ethnicity attending 45239 public schools is Black. 57.7% of students in 45239 public schools receive or are eligible to participate in free or reduced lunch programs. Avg Precip (In.)

What is the current unemployment level in 45239?

The current unemployment level in 45239 is 4.3% which is higher than the current county unemployment level of 4.2% and is higher than the current state unemployment at 3.8% and higher than the current national unemployment rate at 4.3%. According the 2010 US Census, the population of 45239 decreased to 28315 from 29008 over the past 10 years.