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How profitable is palm oil production?

How profitable is palm oil production?

Palm oil production was shown to be profitable in the study area, with net revenue of ₦100, 860. The return to scale (RTS) of 0.188 indicated a positive decreasing return to scale and that palm oil production in the study area was in stage II of the production function.

What is the future of palm oil?

According to Oil World, the global production of the four vegetable oils—palm oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, and rapeseed oil, is estimated to increase by seven million tonnes in 2021/2022, the highest growth in four years.

What makes palm oil a sustainable product?

It has a natural preservative effect which extends the shelf life of food products. It is also the highest-yielding vegetable oil crop, which makes it very efficient. It needs less than half the land required by other crops to produce the same amount of oil.

Why SOS for palm oil mill waste management?

With over a decade of experience in palm oil mill waste management. SOS have ground breaking new biotechnology Palm oil waste management due to our commitment in R&D over 15 years. Revolutionizing traditional bio tech services that is offer in the open market. SOS has the unique power of our live biomass composting worms.

What are the palm oil industry wastes?

The palm oil industry wastes were generated, first, at the oil palm plantations during pruning (fronds), harvesting (fronds), and replanting (trunks). It is generated, second, at the palm oil mills, which includes biogas and biomass (mesocarp fiber, shell, empty fruit bunch, and decanter cake).

What is palm oil mill effluent?

Liquid waste or Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) is generated from the processing of fresh fruit bunches to CPO. We use both types of waste as organic fertiliser and fuel.

What is the palm oil composting system?

The composting system offers an effective solution to the oil palm industry’s perennial problem of waste disposal. The composting system utilizes 100% palm oil mill effluent and empty fruit bunches and uses a technically advanced method to convert these waste materials into compost.