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Where the Mind is Without Fear summary short?

Where the Mind is Without Fear summary short?

The poem is a prayer to God to protect the nation from evil effects. The poem was written by Tagore during the time when India was under the British Rule and people were eagerly waiting to get their freedom. It is a prayer to the Almighty for a nation free from any kind of manipulative or corrupt powers.

What is the central idea of the poem where the mind is?

The central idea of the poem is about the poet’s vision of freedom for his country. He desires and prays for an overall awakening of the people of the nation and not just for political freedom.

What is the message of the poem Where the Mind is Without Fear?

The theme of “Where the Mind is Without Fear” by Rabindranath Tagore is freedom from colonization and what it takes to achieve that. Tagore lived in India during British Crown rule of the country. According to the BBC, Britain ruled India from 1858 until 1947.

Where the Mind is Without Fear by Rabindranath Tagore analysis?

Where The Mind Is Without Fear turns from a religious to a patriotic theme. Tagore prays for the freedom of the country and that too an ideal freedom. He prays that his country become a place where man can go with his mind, free of any fear and where he can hold his head high with self respect and dignity.

How does the poet describe the reason?

Answer. The poet in ‘Where The Mind Is Without Fear’ has described ‘reason’ or logical thinking as a ‘clear stream’ that can wash away the stagnant heap of superstitions and ‘dead habits’. Indeed, good rational thinking is what can clear our mind of all evils of prejudice and can lead to the nation’s progress.

What is the central idea or theme of the poem Where the Mind is Without Fear * 1 point secularism patriotism communism liberalism?

Answer: Central Idea of Where the Mind is Without Fear: In “Where the Mind is Without Fear”, the poet envisions the India of the future. In this country, no man will live in fear.

What are the two qualities of mind presented in the poem?

Answer. The qualities that the poet wants to see in his countrymen are fearlessness, self dignity, knowledge, truthfulness, diligence, rationality and a broad-mind. Fearlessness and broadness are the two qualities of mind mentioned in the poem.

Where the Mind is Without Fear conclusion?

Conclusion: “Where the Mind is Without Fear” is one of the best-known poems of Tagore. That is because its message can easily stand the test of time. Of course, it was inspirational to be the freedom fighters of India at the time in which it was written.

Where the mind is without fear poem summary line by line?

Line 1-2. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; In the very first line, the poet prays to the Almighty that his countrymen should be free from any fear of oppression or forced compulsion. He wishes that everyone in his country has his head held high in dignity.

What does the poet compare the world with a stage?

Why does the poet compare the world to a stage? The poet compares the world to a stage because he thought all men and women behave like the actors of a drama.

How should the mind according to the poet?

following things should be the mind according to the poet in the poem, “Where the mind is without fear.

  • Nationality, caste, and creed, according to the poet, should not be used to divide people.
  • Prejudice and beliefs should be abolished, as they confine the mind and divide individuals.

What are the two qualities of mind presented in the poem Where the Mind is Without Fear?

Fearlessness and broadness are the two qualities of mind mentioned in the poem.

Which two themes are explored through the poem Where the Mind is Without Fear?

Where the Mind is Without Fear Theme. The poem is about true freedom. According to the poet, true freedom is an inner possession of man and it can be realized only with God’s help. It means moral and spiritual uplift of the people under divine guidance.

How should mind be according to the poet?

Where the mind is without fear by Rabindranath Tagore summary?

In line 5 of Where the Mind is Without Fear, Tagore wants a nation where people are truthful. They should not be superficial and words should come out from the depth of their hearts. In the sixth line of the poem, the poet wants everyone to work hard to reach their goal, and in the long run to reach perfection. .

What is the message of the poem Bhagwan by Rabindranath?

In this poem, Rabindranath, as a staunch patriotic man guided by the roots of Indian ethos, spirituality and philosophical doctrines, requests to Bhagwan, the most Divine, to spread the light of grace and affection and inspire the countrymen in the direction of fearlessness, truth, hard work and success.

What is the message of the poem by Rabindranath Tagore in this poem?

Rabindranath comes from the land of Bengal, which is known for devotion as well as critical thinking, and he has displayed different facets of his emotional and intellectual constructs in this short poem. He envisions the ideal India that we could have got after its independence.

What are the poetic inspirations of Bhagavad Gita?

Flowing of river water, lingering clouds over hills and mountains, the rising of the sun, farmers working in the field, green patches of land are the poetic inspirations. He has also composed poems addressing to children. He has immense affection for the children and their world.