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What is plasma NM?

What is plasma NM?

Plasma-nm is a new plasma applet for network management in KDE which uses the latest KDE technologies. It supports all connection types from NetworkManager like bonding, bridging etc. and it’s simplier to maintain it than the old one.

What is wpa_supplicant used for?

Wpa_supplicant is an IEEE 802.1X supplicant with support for WPA, WPA2 and WPA3 authentication. Client stations use wpa_supplicant for the key negotiation process. Wpa_supplicant also controls roaming and the association and authentication processes in wireless connections.

What does the wpa_supplicant Service do?

wpa_supplicant is a cross-platform supplicant with support for WPA, WPA2 and WPA3 (IEEE 802.11i). It is suitable for desktops, laptops and embedded systems. It is the IEEE 802.1X/WPA component that is used in the client stations.

How to install wicd network manager on Ubuntu/Mint?

Install WICD network manager on Linux Ubuntu/Mint. It may occur that by default your computer won’t connect to wireless networks after starting up the system. A way to solve this might be to install the WICD network manager which is available in the Ubuntu repositories. Just fire up Synaptic Package Manager and search for WICD.

How good is wicd network manager?

NetworkManager and KWifiManager do a pretty good job, though you often have to finick and fuss a fair bit. wicd (pronounced “wicked”), the wireless interface connection daemon, tries to do the job better, so we’re going to give it a test drive. The short story is: On a system with a single supported wireless interface it works very well.

How do I launch WICD from the command line?

Somewhere in your applications menu should be a nice wicd icon, or you can launch it from the command line with /opt/wicd/ I don’t know why anyone would want to type all that, but now you know what it is. If you want a simple launch command like wicd you’ll have to create a Bash alias or some such.

Should I use Wicd to manage un-configured interfaces?

So leave all interfaces that you want wicd to manage un-configured. On Red Hattish Linuxes (e.g. Fedora, CentOS) the insanely over-complicated configuration file structure means it’s easier to use a graphical network configurator, like system-config-network.