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Which surname is more common?

Which surname is more common?

The most common surname in the United States is Smith. Actually, the most common surname in just about every English-speaking country is Smith. As you may already suspect, the last name “Smith” refers to the blacksmith trade.

What are the top 10 surnames in England?

The top 50 surnames in England and the number of people who have them

  • Smith – 632,854.
  • Jones – 380,439.
  • Taylor – 293,387.
  • Brown – 283,795.
  • Williams – 271,532.
  • Wilson – 195,974.
  • Johnson – 191,454.
  • Davies – 175,818.

What is the best surname in UK?

Most Common Last Names In England

Rank Surname Incidence
1 Smith 632,854
2 Jones 380,441
3 Taylor 293,387
4 Brown 283,796

Where do surnames come from?

Most surnames in the English region have been derived from patronymic, habitational or topographical names. But each of these English surnames has a unique history attached to it and has references across Scotland, Ireland, Wales and other regions of the United Kingdom.

Do you know how many British surnames are there?

But each of these English surnames has a unique history attached to it and has references across Scotland, Ireland, Wales and other regions of the United Kingdom. Did you know there are more than 45,000 British family names, each having a distinct meaning, history, and story to it?

What are the most common surnames in Scotland?

Andrew, which first appeared in the 14th Century in Scotland, is a Greek word that means a ‘Man’ or ‘Manly’. Anderson is known to be one of the most common surnames in Sweden. 4. Armstrong This surname originated from the Scottish borders. It is derived from an English nickname, which means ‘Someone with strong arms’.