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What is the name of a scout group?

What is the name of a scout group?

Troop – The collective name for scouts (10½ -14 years old) meeting together as a section.

What are Cub Scout groups called?

Cub Scouts, Cubs or Wolf Cubs are programs associated with Scouting for young children usually between 7 and 12, depending on the organization to which they belong. A participant in the program is called a Cub. A group of Cubs is called a ‘Pack’.

What are the scout leader names?

It is traditional for leaders in the section to be known by a name from The Jungle Book with Akela as leader of the wolves usually being taken by the Cub Scout Leader while Baloo, Bagheera, Kaa, Raksha, Chil, Hathi and Rama are popular names for other adult and young leaders.

What is the youngest scout group?

Looking ahead, children can join Cubs from around the age of 8 and Scouts from 10 and a half. Explorer Scouting starts at 14 and runs until Scouts are 18.

How are scout groups numbered?

Initially, The Scout Association reserved registration numbers for troops or Groups not attached to a church, so a Scout Group attached to a church may have been registered as 7th Gloucestershire even though it was the first formed in the location.

What is dib dib dob dob?

Short for do your best. dyb (or dib) and dob were used as abbreviated forms of do your best and do our best in certain Scout chants.

What is the most important group in Cub Scouting?

The Den Meeting is the most important part of Cub Scouting. It is where Cub Scouts build friendships, work together to learn new things, and progress towards earning their common badge of rank. Serving as a Den Leader is providing an opportunity to make a positive life long impact on your child and others in the den.

What are the scout sections?

Its programmes include Squirrel Scouts (aged 4–6), Beaver Scouts (aged 53⁄4–8), Cub Scouts (aged 8– 101⁄2), Scouts (aged 101⁄2–14), Explorer Scouts (aged 14–18) and adult Network members (aged 18–25).

What is the boy equivalent of a rainbow?

13. Beavers, Cubs then Scouts.

What are the different groups of Scouts?

What group comes after Scouts?