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What is the Apple 1984 commercial about?

What is the Apple 1984 commercial about?

The original concept was to show the fight for the control of computer technology as a struggle of the few against the many, says TBWA/Chiat/Day’s Lee Clow. Apple wanted the Mac to symbolize the idea of empowerment, with the ad showcasing the Mac as a tool for combating conformity and asserting originality.

How much did Apple pay for the 1984 Super Bowl commercial?

In 1984, Apple spent $1 million on a 60-second spot that premiered at the Superbowl. Luckily, the ad was a winner, as all the local cinemas and TV stations showcased the unique ad. Within 100 days, Apple sold 72,000 computers.

Which of these was first introduced in a 1984 Super Bowl commercial?

Apple’s “1984” spot, featuring a young woman throwing a sledgehammer through a screen on which a Big Brother-like figure preaches about “the unification of thought,” got people around the United States talking and heralded a new age for Apple, consumer technology and advertising.

When did the 1984 Apple commercial come out?

Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial airs during Super Bowl XVIII During a break in the action of Super Bowl XVIII on January 22nd, 1984, audiences first see a commercial that is now widely agreed to be one of the most powerful and effective of all time.

How much did the Steve Jobs Super Bowl commercial cost?

The ad cost a shocking $900,000 to film, plus Apple booked two premium slots during the Super Bowl to air it—carrying an airtime cost of more than $1 million. Although Jobs and his marketing team (plus the assembled throng at his 1983 internal presentation) loved the ad, Apple’s Board of Directors hated it.

Did you watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials?

Prior to Super Bowl XVIII, nobody watched the game “just for the commercials”—but one epic TV spot, directed by sci-fi legend Ridley Scott, changed all that. Read on for the inside story of the commercial that rocked the world of advertising, even though Apple’s Board of Directors didn’t want to run it at all.

How did Super Bowl ads become so big?

Super Bowl ads were already big business, but many in the advertising world point to “1984” as the moment when the big game became a venue for innovative, marquee ads, which soon became e a major part of the overall spectacle of the Super Bowl.