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What is a fortiori argument example?

What is a fortiori argument example?

Examples and Observations. “Remember the commercial for Life Cereal, the one where the brothers experiment on picky little Mikey? If Mikey liked it, the boys figured, anyone would. That’s an argument a fortiori: If something less likely is true, then something more likely will probably be true as well.”

How do you use fortiori in a sentence?

1. If he can afford a luxury yacht, then a fortiori he can afford to pay his debts. 2. If you are wrong then, a fortiori, so am I.

What is fortiori inference?

A-fortiori definition To draw an inference that when one proposition is true, then a second proposition must also be true, especially if the second is included in the first. For example, if a 19 year old is legally an adult, then a 20 year old is, too. For a still stronger reason; all the more.

What is the opposite of a fortiori?

The reverse, less known and less frequently applicable argument is a minore ad maius, which denotes an inference from smaller to bigger.

Do you italicize a fortiori?

Thank you for sharing! But inexplicably, perhaps, the government lawyers who wear swallowtail morning coats in court will continue to italicize a fortiori, infra, inter alia, passim and supra.

What is known a priori?

To say that a person knows a given proposition a priori is to say that her justification for believing this proposition is independent of experience. According to the traditional view of justification, to be justified in believing something is to have an epistemic reason to support it, a reason for thinking it is true.

What is the legal definition of fortiori?

Legal Definition of a fortiori. : all the more certainly : with greater reason : with still more convincing force —used in drawing a conclusion that is thought to be even more certain than another the evident purpose of the latter statute — to provide a distinct and more severe sentencing…

Why do we use the word’fortiori’?

For a still stronger reason; all the more. [Latin ā fortiōrī : ā, from + fortiōrī, ablative of fortior, stronger.] a fortiori. for similar but more convincing reasons: if Britain cannot afford a space programme, then, a fortiori, neither can India.

What is an argument a fortiori?

‘That’s an argument a fortiori: If something less likely is true, then something more likely will probably be true as well.’ Early 17th century Latin, from a fortiori argumento ‘from stronger argument’.