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What are jet streams in India?

What are jet streams in India?

Jet streams are the air currents found in the highest part of the atmosphere. 1. The jet streams impact the onset of monsoon which depends upon the upper air circulation dominated by SubTropical Jet Streams (STJ). The south west monsoon in India is directly related to the tropical easterly stream.

What is jet stream and what is its effect on Indian climate?

Answer. (i) Jet streams are cold fast blowing winds that develop in the upper layers of the atmosphere. (ii) They influence the climate of India as the westerly jet stream prevails over the North Indian Plains during the winter months, while the easterly jet stream steers the tropical depression over India.

What do you mean by jet streams?

Jet streams are relatively narrow bands of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere. The winds blow from west to east in jet streams but the flow often shifts to the north and south. Jet streams follow the boundaries between hot and cold air.

What is called jet stream?

What are the characteristics of jet stream?

What are the 2 types of jet streams?

At most times in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, there are two jet streams: a subtropical jet stream centered at about 30 degrees latitude and a polar-front jet stream whose position varies with the boundary between polar and temperate air.

What causes jet streams?

Jet streams exist because of a difference in temperature between two air masses. As the sun doesn’t heat the world evenly, there is more hot air near the Earth’s Equator and cold air near the North and South Poles. As the warm air expands, it becomes lighter and creates a warm air current.

What is an example of jet stream?

Jet Stream off Mount Everest. The winds that batter the top of Mount Everest, Nepal, are jet streams. Jet streams are cold, fast-moving winds that circulate high in the atmosphere.

What are the effects of jet stream?

The jet stream flows high overhead and causes changes in the wind and pressure at that level. This affects things nearer the surface, such as areas of high and low pressure, and therefore helps shape the weather we see. Sometimes, like in a fast-moving river, the jet stream’s movement is very straight and smooth.

What is jet stream?

What are importance of jet streams?

Jets streams play a key role in determining the weather because they usually separate colder air and warmer air. Jet streams generally push air masses around, moving weather systems to new areas and even causing them to stall if they have moved too far away.

Why are they called jet streams?

Carl-Gustaf Rossby is considered the key meteorologist in the discovery of the jet stream, but in 1939 a German meteorologist named Seilkopf used the German word “strahlstromung,” which means jet stream, to describe these strong winds.

Where do jet streams form?

Jet streams form in a region between the troposphere and the stratosphere called the tropopause, situated between 10 and 14 km (6-9 miles) above the surface of the Earth. 2.

What is the size of a jet stream?

Jet streams are several hundreds of miles long and less than one mile thick. Jet streams form in a region between the troposphere and the stratosphere called the tropopause, situated between 10 and 14 km (6-9 miles) above the surface of the Earth. 2.

Which jet stream is used to forecast the weather?

There are two jet streams that are usually used to forecast weather; the tropical jet stream located near 30 degrees latitude, and the polar jet stream located at 60 degrees latitude. Jet streams are produced by two air masses of contrasting temperature at the tropopause and the rotation of the Earth.

Which jet stream affects the Indian monsoons?

This is called Tropical Easterly Jet and is a temporary jet stream which occurs in summers. It affects the Indian monsoon as the stronger it is it pushes the winds towards Indian sub-continent and monsoon strengthens. Another permanent stream which affects Indian Monsoon is Sub-Tropical Westerly Jet.