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Is T an abbreviation for Tuesday or Thursday?

Is T an abbreviation for Tuesday or Thursday?

The abbreviation for the days of the week are: T = Tuesday. W = Wednesday. R = Thursday. F = Friday.

What is the correct abbreviation for days of the week?

Abbreviations of Days of the Week

1. Sunday – Sun. 2. Monday – Mon.
3. Tuesday – Tu., Tue., or Tues. 4. Wednesday – Wed.
5. Thursday – Th., Thu., Thur., or Thurs. 6. Friday – Fri.
7. Saturday – Sat.

How is Wednesday abbreviated?

Wed – Wednesday. Thu, Thur, or Thurs – Thursday.

Which is correct SEP or Sept?

Sep. is a written abbreviation for September. The more usual abbreviation is , Sept.

How do you abbreviate Monday through Thursday?

Days of the Week Abbreviations

  1. Sun – Sunday.
  2. Mon – Monday.
  3. Tue or Tues – Tuesday.
  4. Wed – Wednesday.
  5. Thu, Thur, or Thurs – Thursday.
  6. Fri – Friday.
  7. Sat – Saturday.

How do you abbreviate Monday through THursday?

Do you use period for state abbreviations?

Do not use state abbreviations simply to save time or space except in an address on an envelope or list. We do not use periods with state abbreviations: CT, NY, NJ. We use D.C. after the name of the city within the District of Columbia: Washington, D.C.; the APA Manual does not use periods with DC.

Do you use periods when abbreviating United States?

In casual writing, when United States is functioning as a noun (as in, “We are traveling to the U.S.”), it’s a matter of personal preference. You can either spell out United States or abbreviate it, with periods or without.

What is the abbreviation for days of the week?

The chart below shows the days of the week in English together with their normal abbreviations. day of the week abbreviation; days of the week (7 days) weekdays (5 days) Monday: Mon. Mo. Tuesday: Tue. Tu. Wednesday: Wed. We. Thursday: Thu. Th. Friday: Fri. Fr. weekend (2 days) Saturday: Sat. Sa. Sunday: Sun. Su. Notice that days of the week and

Can you abbreviate days of the week in a Gregg Reference?

THE GREGG REFERENCE MANUAL, NINTH EDITION says, “Do not abbreviate days of the week and months of the year except in tables or lists where space is limited.” Gregg is addressing business documents, for the most part. It suggests that abbreviations are appropriate when the emphasis is on “communicating data in the briefest form.

How do you abbreviate the months of the year?

For the most part, month abbreviations use the first three letters of the word. Two exceptions are May (which is never abbreviated shorter than its original word) and September (which is often abbreviated with four letters). Here are common ways to abbreviate the months of the year.