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How to get Google Partners badge?

How to get Google Partners badge?

Your Google Partners registered Ads manager account needs to have a minimum of 50% of your account strategists certified in Google Ads (capped at 100 users), with at least one certification in each product area with campaign spend of $500 USD or more in 90 days (for example Search, Display, Video, Shopping, or Apps).

What is one of the requirements to become a premier Google Partner?

To meet the requirements for a Premier Partner Badge, you must deliver strong Google Ads revenue and growth, meet a higher ad spend across your managed accounts, and have two or more users in your company who are certified in Google Ads (or who have admin or standard status on your organization’s Google Ads manager …

What are the benefits of being a Google Partner?

Benefits of Choosing a Google Premier Partner

  • Digital Marketing Experts Trained by Google. Our digital strategists know all things Google.
  • Maximize ROI. Paid advertising campaigns are a great way to reach your audience.
  • Proven Performance.
  • Direct Support.
  • Exclusive Access to Google Products and Insights.

What is the difference between a Google Partner and a Google Premier partner?

What is the Difference Between Google Partner and Google Premier Partner? In short, a Google Premier Partner has met and exceeded all Google Partner requirements AND has demonstrated continuous success in achieving the following three requirements: Certifications. Ad spend.

How many Google Ads Partners are there?

There are only 308 AdWords Certified Partners in the United States.

How many partners does Google have?

Partnerbase has identified 3,863 partners in the Google partner ecosystem.

How do you know if a company is a Google partner?

How to check your Partner status

  1. Sign into your Google Ads account.
  2. In the navigation on the left side, click Partners program tab.
  3. Find the “Badge status” card. You’ll see whether your company is a Google Partner or Premier Partner.
  4. To see more details about your company’s status, click View details.

What does being a Google Premier partner mean?

The Premier Partner status is the highest level an agency can achieve. It is a designation reserved for only 3% of all Google Ad users. In order to qualify as a Premier Partner, an agency must continuously meet Google’s requirements in three key areas: Certification. Ad Spend.

How does Google verify your partner?

What is a certified Google partner?

Being a Google Partner signifies that a company has multiple employees who are certified in Google AdWords, continuously meet Google’s performance standards, show growth in client base, and participate in ongoing trainings.

What is a Google partner badge?

There are two Google Partner badge formats: one that can be used on online properties (the “HTML snippet”) and one that can be used on other printed marketing materials. The Partner badge or Premier Partner badge can not be used in any manner that implies a relationship or affiliation with Google.

What certifications do you need to be a Google Ads partner?

Google Partners certification requirement Certifications are one of the three requirement categories to be a Partner or Premier Partner. The following certifications will count toward the certification requirement: Google Ads Search, Google Ads Display, Google Ads Video, Shopping ads, and Google Ads Apps.

How do I use the partner or premier partner badge?

You must use the Partner badge or the Premier Partner badge in your marketing materials to indicate that you’ve earned the distinction of qualifying as a Partner or a Premier Partner. The badge cannot be imitated in any manner on your marketing materials.

What is my Google Ads certification status?

Your Google Ads certification recognizes that you’re a certified online advertising professional. You received this accreditation after successfully passing the Google Ads certification assessment administered by Skillshop. Example Here’s an example of what you can say about your certification status: