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How do I convert my BMR to pounds and inches?

How do I convert my BMR to pounds and inches?

To calculate your basal metabolic rate in imperial units, use the equations:

  1. For men: 66.47 + (6.24 × weight in pounds) + (12.7 × height in inches) − (6.75 × age in years) .
  2. For women: BMR = 65.51 + (4.35 * weight in pounds) + (4.7 * height in inches) – (4.7 * age in years)

How is NHS BMR calculated?

BMR formula There are 2 formulae used to calculate BMR, in [kcal / 24hrs] for men and women respectively: BMR for Men = 66.47 + (13.75 * weight [kg]) + (5.003 * size [cm]) − (6.755 * age [years]) BMR for Women = 655.1 + (9.563 * weight [kg]) + (1.85 * size [cm]) − (4.676 * age [years])

How accurate is BMR formula?

It is very difficult to accurately estimate our BMR or our physical activity, leading us, in some cases, to be off by as much as 800 to 1000 calories/day. Now to be fair, if you are weighing and measuring your food and reading labels you will be able to come very close to the number of calories you set out to eat.

What is ideal BMR for female?

Most women have a BMR of around 1550 calories a day. Again, this will vary depending on the individual woman and her physical characteristics.

What is normal BMR for a woman?

Maintaining lean muscle mass also helps reduce the chance of injury when training, and exercise increases your daily energy expenditure. An average man has a BMR of around 7,100 kJ per day, while an average woman has a BMR of around 5,900 kJ per day.

How to determine your basal metabolic rate?

Little/no exercise: BMR*1.2 = Total Calorie Need

  • Light exercise: BMR*1.375 = Total Calorie Need
  • Moderate exercise (3-5 days/wk): BMR*1.55 = Total Calorie Need
  • Very active (6-7 days/wk): BMR*1.725 = Total Calorie Need
  • Extra active (very active&physical job): BMR*1.9 = Total Calorie Need
  • How do you measure basal metabolic rate?

    Genetics. Some people are born with faster metabolisms,while others naturally have slower metabolisms.

  • Gender. Because men,on average,have a greater muscle mass and a lower body-fat percentage than women,they generally have a higher basal metabolic rate.
  • Age.
  • Weight.
  • Height.
  • Body-fat Percentage.
  • Diet.
  • Body Temperature/Health.
  • External temperature.
  • Glands.
  • What things increase and decrease your basal metabolic rate?

    The process of digestion raises your metabolic rate. Do not skip meals, as not eating will slow your metabolic rate, especially if you consume too few calories overall. Crash diets (those where you consume under 1,200 calories per day) will cause your body to use up muscle mass as fuel, which will further lower your metabolic rate.

    What is the major factor that determines basal metabolic rate?

    The basal rate of metabolism (BMR) is the most reported estimate of energy expenditure in endotherms. Its principal determinant is body mass, but BMR also correlates with a variety of behavioral and ecological factors that do not determine basal rate: they are byproducts of the mechanisms that are its determinate.