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What is the meaning of Hakea?

What is the meaning of Hakea?

Definition of Hakea : a genus of Australian shrubs and small trees (family Proteaceae) having evergreen often spiny leaves and showy flowers in dense clusters — see cushionflower.

Is Hakea an Australian native?

Native plants are currently experiencing a huge resurgence. It’s because there is such a vast choice of small to medium shrubs, and also there are so many that are relatively drought resistant once established. But there is a genus in the Australian native plants that’s hardly talked about, and that’s the Hakea.

What does a Hakea tree look like?

Hakea laurina is known as the “pin cushion hakea” for its deep red globular flower heads with white, pin-like styles. It is a tall shrub or small tree, with eucalypt-like leaves. It flowers in winter and always attracts an array of birds in the old wood (can be weedy in SA and VIC).

How do you identify Hakea?

Most of the characteristics defining both genera are present in a small subset of species of the other genus. The majority of Hakea species have leaves in which both surfaces are similar in appearance or, if they are terete, they are usually without an obvious groove or grooves for their whole length.

What is Hakea?

& J.C.Wendl. Hakea is a genus of about 150 species of plants in the Family Proteaceae and are endemic to Australia. They are shrubs or small trees with leaves that are sometimes flat, otherwise circular in cross section in which case they are sometimes divided.

How many species of Hakea are there?

The following is a list of Hakea species recognised by the Australian Plant Census, except for Hakea asperma which is recognised by the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria: Hakea actites W.R.Barker – mulloway needlebush, wallum hakea. Hakea aculeata A.S.George – column hakea. Hakea acuminata Haegi. Hakea adnata R.Br.

Which Hakea species need grafting?

Some showy western species, such as Hakea multilineata, H. francisiana and H. bucculenta, require grafting onto hardy stock such as Hakea salicifolia for growing in more humid climates, as they are sensitive to dieback . Many species, particularly eastern Australian species, are notable for their hardiness, to the point they have become weedy.

What is the difference between Hakea and Grevillea?

Hakeas have woody fruit which distinguishes them from grevilleas which have non-woody fruit which release the seeds as they mature. Hakeas are found in every state of Australia with the highest species diversity being found in the south west of Western Australia . Plants in the genus Hakea are shrubs or small trees.