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What is the conflict in Chapter 24 of To Kill a Mockingbird?

What is the conflict in Chapter 24 of To Kill a Mockingbird?

Ms Merriweather believes that Tom Robinson is guilty & if they go tell Tom Robinson that they forgive him for raping Mayella the whole town will forget about the incident & life will go on.

What was Mrs Merriweather talking about in Chapter 24?

Merriweather is talking about Mayella Ewell. However, the woman in question is actually Tom Robinson’s wife, Helen.

What is the main idea of Chapter 24 To Kill a Mockingbird?

This chapter brings the news of Tom Robinson’s death, shot 17 times while attempting to escape from prison. The Finch household rally to support each other. The moment when Miss Maudie, Aunt Alexandra and Scout pull together to carry on in front of the missionary woman shows their strength and some hope for Alexandra.

What does food represent in TKAM?

Both scenes use food to illustrate the concept of equality. Food also is used to illustrate the concept of social justice. People with means eat food that is balanced and nutritious; people without means eat what they can afford, and sometimes it is lacking in nutritional quality.

Why does Scout try to be a lady at the end of Chapter 24?

Because she is forced to wear a dress by aunt Alexandra. She attempts to put on a show for he ladies.

Who defends Atticus in Chapter 24 and why how is it done?

In the kitchen, Atticus asks Calpurnia to accompany him to give the news to Tom’s wife, Helen. Aunt Alexandra is almost apologetic for Atticus, but Miss Maudie takes her to task, defending him.

What made Miss Maudie mad Chapter 24?

She is making a veiled criticism of Atticus and his defense of Tom Robinson. She implies that Atticus thought that he was doing the right thing by defending Tom, but all he really did was “stir up” the black population and cause further trouble for white people like her.

How did angel food cake get its name?

The cake is often served with berries and eaten for dessert. The name, which comes from the texture, which is “so light that angels could eat it and still fly without being weighted down”, has given it a special association in some communities.

How does Scout feel about the woman in chapter 24?

Scout prefers men to women because she acts more like a man and doesn’t understand women. In this chapter, Scout learns something about being a lady. Explain. Scout thought that if Aunt Alexandra can be a lady after finding out about Tom Robinson’s death, then so can she.

How is Mrs Merriweather a hypocrite in Chapter 24?

Mrs Merriweather has been subtly criticizing Atticus for being misguided in defending black man Tom Robinson. She is a hypocrite in that she criticizes Atticus without naming him, in his own house, while eating the food and refreshments he rovided for the tea party.

Why is it called devil food?

In the 18th century, the term “deviled”was used to reference food that was described as dark, rich, spicy or chocolatey. A chocolate cake as rich as this one was deemed almost “sinful” and therefore, it earned the name Devil’s Food.

What are the components of a dessert describe each component?

Anatomy of a Dessert: Make Sure It’s Simple

  • Base: typically crispy or cake-like.
  • Filling: creamy element or ripe fruit.
  • Sauce: complementary to enhance the colors, textures and flavors of the other components.
  • Textural component: such as a crispy cookie or dried fruit chip.
  • Garnishes: edible and functional.

What is Cracklin bread made of?

Crackling bread

Type Bread
Place of origin United States, France
Region or state Southern United States, Bourbonnais
Main ingredients Cornmeal or flour, cracklings
Cookbook: Crackling bread

How does Chapter 24 convey the idea of hypocrisy?

To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 24. Mrs. Merriweather brands Northerners hypocrites because they freed slaves, and yet don’t want to sit with them. She particularly singles out First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt for her visit to Birmingham in support of equal rights for blacks.

What is hypocritical about the ladies attitude toward the Mrunas 24?

What is hypocritical about the concern the ladies of the missionary circle have for the Mrunas? She is making a veiled criticism of Atticus and his defense of Tom Robinson.

Why is angel cake called angel cake?

What is happening in Chapter 3 of to kill a Mockingbird?

3. The chapter takes place in late August. 4. Scout cannot go with the boys since they are swimming naked. 5. The women are studying the Mrunas. 6. Mrs. Merriweather is conducting the study.

What are the to kill a Mockingbird discussion questions?

These To Kill a Mockingbird discussion questions are part of my novel unit. Some of the questions simply ask the reader to make inferences or offer an opinion. Others require in-depth analysis of quotes or literary elements. The printable PDF file of the questions is at the bottom of this post. 1) Who was Simon Finch?

What happened to Tom in Chapter 7 of to kill a Mockingbird?

The chapter takes place in late August. 4. Scout cannot go with the boys since they are swimming naked. 5. The women are studying the Mrunas. 6. Mrs. Merriweather is conducting the study. 7. Scout says she wants to grow up to be a lady. 8. The bad news is that Tom had attempted escape and had been killed by guards.

What is the moral of the trial in to kill a Mockingbird?

The life of the town, as well as the lives of Jem and Scout, the children of attorney Atticus Finch who takes on the Black man’s defense, are brought to a moral head by the trial, which bares and challenges everyone’s prejudices and sense of social justice.