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What is susceptible host in epidemiology?

What is susceptible host in epidemiology?

Host. The final link in the chain of infection is a susceptible host. Susceptibility of a host depends on genetic or constitutional factors, specific immunity, and nonspecific factors that affect an individual’s ability to resist infection or to limit pathogenicity.

What is the meaning of reservoir host?

A host that serves as a source of infection and potential reinfection of humans and as a means of sustaining a parasite when it is not infecting humans.

What is the difference between an emerging disease and a re emerging disease?

Emerging diseases are those whose incidence in humans has increased in thepast two decades, and re-emergence is the reappearance of a known disease aftera significant decline in incidence.

What is an example of a susceptible host?

A reservoir such as a human and an agent such as an amoeba. The mode of transmission can include direct contact, droplets, a vector such as a mosquito, a vehicle such as food, or the airborne route. The susceptible host has multiple portals of entry such as the mouth or a syringe.

What is difference between host and reservoir?

The reservoir (source) is a host which allows the pathogen to live, and possibly grow, and multiply. Humans, animals and the environment can all be reservoirs for microorganisms. Sometimes a person may have a disease but is not symptomatic or ill.

What is the difference between reservoir and definitive host?

host of predilection the host preferred by a parasite. primary host definitive host. reservoir host an animal (or species) that is infected by a parasite, and which serves as a source of infection for humans or another species.

Is malaria emerging or reemerging?

Fueled by poor sanitation and poor drainage in these areas of dense concentrations of individuals in and near what previously were cities, malaria is emerging as a formidable health problem in Africa and in Asia, and now increasingly in some parts of South America.

What are the Eumycotic mycetoma?

Eumycetoma is a chronic deep fungal infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with protracted disease course if neglected. Endemic regions in tropical and subtropical countries. To avoid the high morbidity from the disease burden associated with this condition, it must be efficiently diagnosed and treated.

What is mycetoma in microbiology?

Mycetoma is a disease caused by certain types of bacteria and fungi found in soil and water. These bacteria and fungi may enter the body through a break in the skin, often on a person’s foot.

What is the causative agent of actinomycosis?

Actinomycosis is usually caused by the bacterium called Actinomyces israelii. This is a common organism found in the nose and throat. It normally does not cause disease. Because of the bacteria’s normal location in the nose and throat, actinomycosis most commonly affects the face and neck.

What is hardening agent used for in construction?

Hardening Agents. Fluosilicate hardeners are intended for use to improve the hardness of floors that are defective, such as floors that are too soft because the concrete mix was too low in strength design, floors that were not placed, finished or cured properly, or floors with surfaces that have become carbonated from use of unvented heaters.

What is hardening and why is it important?

Hardening’s goal is to eliminate as many risks and threats to a computer system as necessary. Hardening activities for a computer system can include: Installing virus and spyware protection, including an anti-adware tool so that malicious software cannot gain access to the computer on which it is installed

What is the difference between protect in layers and hardening?

Protecting in layers means to protect at the host level, the application level, the operating system level, the user level, the physical level and all the sublevels in between. Each level requires a unique method of security. A hardened computer system is a more secure computer system. Hardening is also known as system hardening.

What is a hardened computer system?

Each level requires a unique method of security. A hardened computer system is a more secure computer system. Hardening is also known as system hardening. Hardening’s goal is to eliminate as many risks and threats to a computer system as necessary.