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What is a synonym for Crabwise?

What is a synonym for Crabwise?

synonyms for crabwise oblique. edgeways. flanking. side-by-side. sidelong.

What does it mean to move Crabwise?

Meaning of crabwise in English If you move crabwise, you move sideways or carefully and not directly. Backwards, sideways and back and forth. anticlockwise. back and forth idiom.

How do you spell Regretfulness?

re·gret·ful re·gret′ful·ness n.

What is the meaning of towered over?

Definition of tower above/over 1 : to be much taller than (someone or something) He towers over his sister. The two skyscrapers tower above the other buildings of the city. 2 : to be much better or more important than (someone or something) Her intellect towers above/over ours.

What does Regrate mean?

1 : to buy up (necessities of life) at a market or fair with the intention of reselling in or near the same place at a profit — compare engross. 2 : to sell or dispose of (commodities bought in regrating) usually at retail. regrate. transitive verb.

What kind of word is towered?

Towered is a verb – Word Type.

What is superior or towering over?

Definition of tower above/over 2 : to be much better or more important than (someone or something) Her intellect towers above/over ours.

What is Holophrase in psychology?

holophrase. n. one of the single-word utterances characteristic of children in the early stages of language acquisition, such as dada or yes. These are considered to involve a speech act going beyond the literal meaning of the single word so that, for example, cookie means I want a cookie now.

What is a Chastiser?

one who inflicts punishment in return for an injury or offense. the highway patrolman who is the committed chastiser of those motorists who regard speed limits as no more than suggestions.

What is the meaning of crabwise?

If you have visited a beach near the sea, you have probably seen crabs scuttling along, often moving sideways. Though the behavior is surely above reproach to the crabs themselves, English speakers tend to be suspicious of what comes at them from the side, and the modern meanings of crabwise reflect this suspicion of the crab’s lateral approach.

What was able Jake doing crabwise?

He was well up into the cleft, moving crabwise, unwilling to turn his back on the Throg. Able Jake, with the controlling influence of the jets cut, had yawed slightly and was now traveling crabwise. Mr. Wayne stiffened and wheeled; Mr. Briggs sidled hastily toward the doorway, crabwise; the poet choked back the word, Phup!

Why is the stranger Sidling crabwise to Keswick?

To his astonishment the stranger’s mobile lips twisted in a snarl and he edged crabwise toward the bushes bordering the glen. And so on, and all the time it is not wanting to go either to Thirlmere or to Penrith, but is sidling crabwise to Keswick. He was well up into the cleft, moving crabwise, unwilling to turn his back on the Throg.