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What does squash commit mean?

What does squash commit mean?

What does it mean to squash commits in Git? Squashing is a way to rewrite your commit history; this action helps to clean up and simplify your commit history before sharing your work with team members. Squashing a commit in Git means that you are taking the changes from one commit and adding them to the Parent Commit.

What is a squash merge?

Squash merging is a merge option that allows you to condense the Git history of topic branches when you complete a pull request. Instead of each commit on the topic branch being added to the history of the default branch, a squash merge adds all the file changes to a single new commit on the default branch.

What do you mean by rebasing?

Rebasing is the process of moving or combining a sequence of commits to a new base commit. Rebasing is most useful and easily visualized in the context of a feature branching workflow.

Should I use squash and merge?

As a general rule, when merging a pull request from a feature branch with a messy commit history, you should squash your commits. There are exceptions, but in most cases, squashing results in a cleaner Git history that’s easier for the team to read.

Is Git squash a rebase?

With “squash”, you can merge all of your commits from a feature branch into a single commit, which can then be added to the end of the main branch. In this example, after the 2 feature branches have been rebased and merged in, instead of being 3 commits each, they’re now just 1.

Is git squash a rebase?

What is rebase vs squash?

Interactive rebase has a bit of a steeper learning curve, but with practice, can work in all scenarios. Squash and merge is OK for smaller changes, but it might be smarter to break large feature branches into multiple logical commits. This is useful for cherry picking commits to other branches or repositories.

Should you squash commits to master?

Should you always squash commits?

What is git fixup?

Fixup commits are created using git commit –fixup . Practically, –fixup associates a new commit with an existing commit so that when you do an interactive rebase, you don’t have to re-order any commits in order to squash them. And you don’t have to change any commit messages.

What is the difference between squash and fixup?

Both squash and fixup will allow code changes to be introduced by their respective diff’s. (not normally mentioned) The distinction between squash and fixup is in how the commit messages are treated. In the fixup case the original commit message is kept, unchanged, and any text within the fixup commit message is ignored (unceremoniously dumped).

How to cook squash and squash casserole?

Instructions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9×9 baking pan or casserole dish. Heat canola oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add in squash and onion and season with salt. In a large mixing bowl stir together sour cream, cheddar cheese, parmesan, and egg until well combined. Add in squash and gently fold until well coated.

What is a good name for a squash casserole?

Our recipe for Squash Casserole doesn’t have a very exciting name. It should really be called Creamy Delicious Squash Casserole with Crunchy Stuffing on Top, but that would have been too long.

What are the ingredients in a squash casserole?

Ingredients 1 4 cups sliced yellow squash 2 ½ cup chopped onion 3 35 buttery round crackers, crushed 4 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese 5 2 eggs, beaten 6 ¾ cup milk 7 ¼ cup butter, melted 8 1 teaspoon salt 9 ground black pepper to taste 10 2 tablespoons butter More