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How old is Han Juri?

How old is Han Juri?

25 years old
Juri Han is a character in the Street Fighter series. She makes her debut in Super Street Fighter IV, where she is a main character in the storyline. She is 25 years old (as of Super Street Fighter IV) and is described as a somewhat mean and nasty member of S.I.N.

How does Juri work SFV?

On the bright side, Juri can walk behind the fireball and lay on the pressure when in V-Trigger. Tensenrin: This is Juri’s DP. It is like a pinwheel kick and is Juri’s most reliable anti-air. The light version doesn’t leave the ground while the heavy version goes really high in the air.

Is Juri a villain?

Debuting in Super Street Fighter IV, she is the first Korean character and the first true villainess of the series.

Is Juri a Japanese name?

Juri is a Slavic form of the name George. In East Asia (Japan and Korea), Juri is a feminine name.

What Juri means?

The boy’s name Juri means “farmer” or “earthworker” (from ancient Greek “ge/γῆ” = earth + “ergon/ἔργον” = work) and the girl’s name Juri e.g. means “lily” (Japanese) or “glass” (Korean).

What is Juri short for?

Committee on Legal Affairs, committee of the European Parliament, known as JURI.

What is Juri’s best move in Street Fighter?

Crouching Medium Kick is Juri’s furthest reaching special cancelable normal move, making it ideal for combos and punishing wiffed moves. Juri’s projectile which is one of the most unorthodox projectiles seen in any Street Fighter game to date.

Is Juri’s first ultra a bad Super?

It’s not a bad Super by any means so it’s worth experimenting with to see if it fits into your game plan. Juri’s first Ultra allows her to chain her normal moves together, creating combos that were not previously possible.

How good is Juri’s fireball?

While she can win matches using only a handful of her tricks, one of the many overlooked things about Juri is her fireball game. Her fireball, the Fuhajin, is unique in that you can hold the button to store the fireball after the initial kick.

What is the best cancelable normal move for Juri?

Crouching Light Kick can link into number of other light normal attacks, making it ideal for pressuring into combos against opponents. Crouching Medium Kick is Juri’s furthest reaching special cancelable normal move, making it ideal for combos and punishing wiffed moves.