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How do I change user quota in Linux?

How do I change user quota in Linux?

How to Change Quotas for a User

  1. Become superuser.
  2. Use the quota editor to open a temporary file containing one line for each mounted file system that has a quotas file in its top-level directory.
  3. Enter the number of 1-Kbyte disk blocks, both soft and hard, and the number of inodes, both soft and hard.

How do I enable user quota in Linux?

If you want to enable the group data alone, use the grpquota option. To enable both user and group quota, use the usrquota,grpquota option. Now, reboot your computer for the changes to take effect. If you just want to try out quota, then you can use the mount command to temporarily enable quota on a filesystem.

How do I set the quota of a directory in Linux?

To implement disk quotas, use the following steps:

  1. Enable quotas per file system by modifying the /etc/fstab file.
  2. Remount the file system(s).
  3. Create the quota database files and generate the disk usage table.
  4. Assign quota policies.

How do I create a user and group quota file in filesystem?

First, you must run the quotacheck command. The command creates two files a quota user and a quota group that have information on the limit and usage of the filesystem. These files have to be present before you start using the quota.

What command is used to set user and group quotas?

Use the edquota command as shown below, to edit the quota information for a specific user. For example, to change the disk quota for user ‘ramesh’, use edquota command, which will open the soft, hard limit values in an editor as shown below.

Which command is used to set user and group quotas?

How do I fix disk quota exceeded in Linux?

How to fix incorrect quota table

  1. Disable quota for the affected partition (usually /home in web hosting servers)
  2. Stop services such as mail, web and FTP that can write new files.
  3. Recreate the quota table using the “quotacheck” command (or fixquota in cPanel servers)
  4. Re-enable quota for the affected partition.

How many files can a directory hold Linux?

Maximum number of files per directory: 216 – 1 (65,535)

How do I change permissions on 777 in Linux?

Just select the appropriate permissions and it will tell you the permissions in both absolute and symbolic mode.

  1. Change permission on all the files in a directory recursively.
  2. chmod 777: Everything for everyone.
  3. chmod +x or chmod a+x: Execution for everyone.
  4. chmod 755: Only owner can write, read and execute for everyone.

Is there a limit to the number of files in a directory?