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Which number of Pakistan Army in the world?

Which number of Pakistan Army in the world?

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Total Number of Military Personnel (in members):

Rank Country Total Personnel
7 United States 2,133,050
8 Brazil 2,101,500
9 Taiwan 1,831,800
10 Pakistan 1,495,000

How many total army in Pakistan?

According to statistics provided by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in 2020, the Pakistan Army has approximately 660,000 active-duty personnel, supported by the Army Reserve and National Guard.

How strong is Pakistani military?

According to Global Firepower, the Pakistan Armed Forces are ranked as the 9th most powerful military in the world.

Does Pakistan have a big army?

The country has 2,182 combat tanks and 2,604 armored fighting vehicles. Their navy is composed of 10 frigates, five submarines and 12 coastal defense craft. The country’s wider reach at sea is limited by a lack of aircraft carriers or destroyers. Pakistan’s armed forces possess 1,281 aircraft.

Is Pak Army better than Indian army?

According to the most recent study from Global Firepower Ranking, the military might of India and Pakistan is completely unmatched. In terms of the total power index, India is only behind the United States, Russia, and China, while Pakistan is far behind in 10th place.

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