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Where can I get book summaries for free?

Where can I get book summaries for free?

Best Free Book Summary Websites (2022 Updated)

  • Paul Minors.
  • Four Minute Books.
  • The Book Summary Club.
  • Nat Eliason.
  • Fight Mediocrity.
  • ReadinGraphics.

Where can I find academic book summaries?

Wikipedia and WikiSummaries: best free websites for fiction book summaries.

  • Four Minutes Books: free summaries of self-help, scholarly, and productivity books.
  • Blinkist: probably the best subscription app for self-help and productivity book summaries.
  • CliffsNotes: a sure way to find book summaries for students.
  • Are there still CliffsNotes?

    CliffsNotes now exist for hundreds of works. The term “Cliff’s Notes” has now become a proprietary eponym for similar products. IDG Books purchased CliffsNotes in 1998 for $14.2 million. John Wiley & Sons acquired IDG Books (renamed Hungry Minds) in 2001.

    Is Blinkist app free?

    First, the Blinkist app is free to download and install. But with a free account, you can only read one summary each day: the daily pick. This is a set of randomly chosen blinks, so you can’t control what you’re reading. Full access requires a Premium subscription.

    Is Blinkist actually good?

    With over 5,000 summaries in its library and a price of only $0.18/day, Blinkist outshines most competitors. They have more content than most free summary sites and are cheaper than all other paid services. But even judged on its own, it’s an investment in yourself you won’t regret.

    Where can I find free book summaries?

    Yep! And BookSummaryClub is one of the best sites in this field. Check out our 140+ Free Book Summaries on or site. Otherwise Blinkist also have a 7 day free trial that costs nothing.

    What is the best way to read summaries of books?

    You can also read on your Kindle, or listen to the audio version of their summaries. Blinkist works by condensing a book down into around a dozen ‘blinks’ which are vital lessons. Each summary takes about 10 minutes to read and is pretty impressive quality. You can try Blinkist for free and cancel at any time.

    How do I use book summary websites?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the different ways you can use these book summary websites: Read summaries of books to dip your toes before buying them. Read them to revisit the best concepts from a book (because repetition is the mother of lifelong learning). Read them to hunt for books to read.

    Are paid book summaries better than free sites?

    While the free book summary websites are great, the paid sites are a level above. Nonfiction book summaries are a growing market and there’s going to be more and more Blinkist competitors entering the market, so it is important to choose a platform you like.