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What is the command to delete a directory in Unix?

What is the command to delete a directory in Unix?

Deleting or removing directories (rmdir command)

  1. To empty and remove a directory, type the following: rm mydir/* mydir/.* rmdir mydir.
  2. To remove the /tmp/jones/demo/mydir directory and all the directories beneath it, type the following: cd /tmp rmdir -p jones/demo/mydir.

Can you delete a directory in Unix?

To remove a directory and all its contents, including any subdirectories and files, use the rm command with the recursive option, -r . Directories that are removed with the rmdir command cannot be recovered, nor can directories and their contents removed with the rm -r command.

How do you delete a directory in Linux?

How to Remove a Directory in Linux

  1. A system running a Linux distribution.
  2. If you want to remove an empty directory, add the -d flag to the rm command: rm -d Example.
  3. Use the -r flag to delete a directory that contains subdirectories and files.

Which command is used to delete a directory?

The rm command removes complete directories, including subdirectories and files. The rmdir command removes empty directories.

How do you force move a file in Unix?

Moving Multiple Files and Directories#. To move multiple files and directories,specify the files you want to move as the source.

  • mv Command Options#. The mv command accepts several options that affect default command behavior.
  • Conclusion#. The mv command is used to move and rename files and directories.
  • What are the commands of Unix?

    unix commands file commands directory commands symolic links terminal commands help commands information commands useful cshell symbols permissions and file storage (unix) permissions and file storage (andrew) processes printing environment customizing networking x-applications unix filters this handout is a quick reference for useful unix

    How do you find a file in Unix?

    -name file-name – Search for given file-name.

  • -iname file-name – Like -name,but the match is case insensitive.
  • -user userName – The file’s owner is userName
  • -group groupName – The file’s group owner is groupName
  • -type N – Search by file type.
  • b : block (buffered) special
  • c : character (unbuffered) special
  • d : directory
  • p : named pipe (FIFO)
  • What are the best Linux commands?

    ls -R will list all the files in the sub-directories as well

  • ls -a will show the hidden files
  • ls -al will list the files and directories with detailed information like the permissions,size,owner,etc.