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How do you say safe journey in home?

How do you say safe journey in home?

Generic Safe Journey Quotes

  1. Bon Voyage and get there safe!
  2. Safe Travels!
  3. Enjoy the journey!
  4. The road ahead may be long and winding but you’ll make it there safe and sound.
  5. Wishing you a safe journey and a relaxing vacation when you arrive!
  6. May your journey be free from stress and bring you home safely.

What does have a safe journey back home mean?

if you mean to wish someone a safe trip back to the place from which they have come.

Is it correct to say have a safe journey?

In English, traveling from one point to another is called a journey—though the term is rarely applied to traveling five miles to the store for a loaf of bread. So, the “correct” idiom is “have a safe journey”.

What is another word for Have a good journey?

Synonyms for Happy journey

  • good journey. n.
  • happy trails.
  • pleasant journey.
  • bon voyage.
  • godspeed. n.
  • have a good trip.
  • jolly journey. n.
  • safe travels.

What is another word for a safe journey?

”Bon voyage” It literally translates to “good trip,” and the meaning is that you wish someone to have a good trip.

Why do we say safe travels?

You usually say (or write) the phrase “Safe travels” right before your friend goes on a trip. It’s a quick and easy way to show them that you hope their trip — whether it’s a long vacation or just the drive home — goes smoothly.

Is it correct to say have you gotten home?

“Have you got home?” could be correct usage of the present perfect, but there’s nothing in the sentence to indicate it is correct.

Have you reached home meaning?

“Have you reached home?” = “Are you at home now?” after your recent trip. “Did you reach home?” = “Did you complete your trip home successfully?” if the journey was any time in the past, maybe years ago, or maybe just minutes ago.

How do you say safe travels?

Creative ways to say have a safe flight

  1. Wishing you a relaxing time in the sky.
  2. Wishing you a safe and joyful journey ahead.
  3. Enjoy the trip!
  4. Enjoy the trip! See you next fall!
  5. Have a blast and don’t enjoy it too much!
  6. Looking forward to hearing about your trip!
  7. I hope you have smooth skies!
  8. Bon Voyage!

What is another word for a safe and happy journey?

How do you say you have reached home?

I’d say, “Don’t used reached for relating routine travel status.” It’s, “I’m almost home” or “I just got home” or “I’m at home.” You should consider using English Language Learners for future questions like this.

Did you get home safe or safely?

Most students learn that “safely” is an adverb and “safe” is an adjective. Safe as an adjective: This is a safe car. He felt safe in his home after installing an alarm.

What to say when someone reached home?

You: I’ve just got home safely – Formal grammatically | I just got home safely – Informal english. Maybe “That’s good. Thanks for letting me know.”

What is another word for Have a safe journey?

safe trip > synonyms »nice trip exp. »good journey exp. »good riddance exp. »have a good trip exp.

What is another word for Have a nice journey?

bon voyage

  • Godspeed.
  • adieu.
  • adios.
  • bye-bye.
  • cheerio.
  • farewell.
  • gluckliche Reise.
  • goodbye.

Is it get home safe or safely?

“Get home safely” would be telling someone to get home in a safe manner, while “get home safe” would be telling them to arrive home in a state of safety.

Is it correct to say’I Hope you reached home safely’?

“I hope you reached home, safely”. You could also say; “I hope you arrived home safely”. or “safely arrived home”. Is it correct to say “have a safe travel”? Most of the times, the British people use the phrase, ‘Have a safe journey’. Also, they use the short of it, that is, ‘Safe journey’.

How do you wish someone a safe journey back home?

Have a safe journey back home wishes and quotes. I wish you a safe journey that is filled with love and hope. A journey filled with the fulfilment of all expectations of your heart.

Did you make it home safely meaning?

“Did you make it home safely” is correct English since “safe” is the adjective, or rather the “describing word”. It describes the idea of the journey back home as being safe. The manner in which this safe journey was made, was safe in itself.

How do you say I hope you had a safe journey?

We would say, ‘I hope you had a safe journey’ or ‘I hope you travelled safely’. We use ‘travels’ only in a more abstract, general sense. ‘In his travels around the world, Bob never once encountered a pick-pocket’. We would never say ‘In his travel to Europe’ … but we would certainly say ‘In his travels in/through/around Europe’ …