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How big do Derasa clams get?

How big do Derasa clams get?

Tridacna derasa is also referred to as the Southern Giant Clam or Smooth Giant Clam, and is the second largest of all the Tridacna spp., reaching a size of 24″ in the wild. Unlike most other Tridacna spp. that have a large byssal opening, Derasa Clams have a narrow gap on the underside of their thick, smooth shell.

What do Derasa clams eat?

For more information about the feeding process of Derasa Clams see What Do Clams Eat. Diet Type: Omnivore – Nutrition is obtained through filter-feeding of phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus along with lighting and the marine algae, zooxanthellae.

Can Derasa clams move?

The clam uses its foot for locomotion, trying to find that perfect spot in the aquarium or on the reef where it can get enough light for photosynthesis while also staying out of strong currents. It obviously cannot move very fast, but Tridacna clams can move several feet on one day if they are determined.

How do you acclimate a Derasa clam?

A healthy clam should quickly react. For Maxima and Crocea clams, inspect the byssal organ, or foot, on the bottom of the clam to make sure it is intact and not damaged. We recommend drip acclimating your newly purchased clam for about 45-60 minutes.

How long does it take for a Derasa clam to grow?

For this, a high-quality, nutritionally balanced live phytoplankton such as OceanMagik is ideal. With its nutritional needs properly met, and with a steady calcium level of 400-420 ppm, a derasa clam can grow surprisingly quickly; a well cared for juvenile can easily double or even triple in size within a year!

Where do you place Derasa clams?

Placement. Derasa Clams do best towards the bottom of the tank in the sand bed. You can also place them on the rock work, but make sure they are not at risk of being knocked over. It is also important to make sure that no detritus collects on the clam.

What is the easiest clams to keep?

Today though the information and technology available make keeping these beautiful specimens a lot easier! The Tridacna Species of clam is the best for saltwater aquariums. Tridacna Squamosa and Tridacna Derasa are the best clams for beginners, requiring lower light & water quality conditions to thrive.

How big of a tank do you need for a clam?

Clams Need Sufficient Water Volume Some suggest one Freshwater Clam can be kept in small tanks like a 10 gallon aquarium. Small tanks may suffice, but in general, the bigger the tank the better. A 29 gallon aquarium may be a safer choice for one clam.

What size tank does a clam need?

Aquarium Size : 55 gallon (208 liters) minimum, preferably much bigger water volumes for water parameter stability. Tank Mates : Stay away from hermit crabs and any other predatory fish species that may nip at the clam mantle.

Can you glue clam to a rock?

No, you should not glue it to the rock. If a clam doesn’t like its spot it will detach and usually make its way to the sandbed, basically telling you that you need to try again. Too much light is bad for a clam, also! Too much flow can also cause it to jump ship.

How big is the largest clam?

four and a half feet
The largest known specimen of giant clam was over four and a half feet (1.3 m) wide and weighed approximately 550 pounds (250 kg). The large majority of a giant clam’s mass is in its shell, with the soft parts accounting for only approximately 10% of the weight.

How fast do giant clams grow?

maxima are very slow growing; they reach 100 mm shell length in about five years old, 150 mm shell length in nearly 10 years old, and 200 mm shell length and more in about 15 to 20 years old.

Can corals sting clams?

so FWIW yes they can be stung.

Can giant clams move?

Since giant clams cannot move themselves, they adopt broadcast spawning, releasing sperm and eggs into the water. A transmitter substance called spawning induced substance (SIS) helps synchronize the release of sperm and eggs to ensure fertilization.

Can a giant clam eat a human?

The “Man-Eater” Myth Thankfully, there is no real account of a human being consumed or killed by a giant clam. Scientists explain that the giant clam’s adductor muscles, which the animal uses to close its shell, move too slowly to capture a swimmer by surprise.

Can a giant clam hurt you?

Being that bivalves are a real pain to open just to eat I imagine it would hurt. They have quite the powerful muscle, but clams actually have to use energy to close. Contrary to what most would assume, relaxed is open and using energy flexing muscle is closed.

Can giant clams produce pearls?

In case you didn’t know, giant Tridacna clams can also make pearls, but these are much more rare, and hence even more valuable. From the size of the 75 pound pearl, it’s clear that it was produced by the world’s largest bivalve, Tridacna gigas.

Can a giant clam bite you?

Today the giant clam is considered neither aggressive nor particularly dangerous. While it is certainly capable of gripping a person, the shell’s closing action is defensive, not aggressive, and the shell valves close too slowly to pose a serious threat.

What is a derasa clam?

Tridacna derasa is also referred to as the Southern Giant Clam or Smooth Giant Clam, and is the second largest of all the Tridacna spp., reaching a size of 24″ in the wild. Unlike most other Tridacna spp. that have a large byssal opening, Derasa Clams have a narrow gap on the underside of their thick, smooth shell.

What do derasa clams need to survive?

In the home aquarium, Derasa Clams require moderate to intense lighting to thrive as they contain the symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae, and receive the majority of their nutrition from the light through photosynthesis.

What is another name for giant clams?

Overview Tridacna derasa is also referred to as the Southern Giant Clam or Smooth Giant Clam, and is the second largest of all the Tridacna spp., reaching a size of 24″ in the wild. Unlike most other Tridacna spp. that have a large byssal opening, Derasa Clams have a narrow gap on the underside of their thick, smooth shell.