What is Alternate assessment example?
Unlike traditional evaluation methods that only assess the student’s knowledge, alternative assessment spurs the student to wear his or her thinking hat, and creatively apply the knowledge to solve a problem. Concept maps, portfolios, and open-tests are some familiar examples of alternative assessments.
What is the Kentucky alternate assessment?
The Alternate K-PREP is the assessment provided to Kentucky students with the most severe cognitive disabilities. The resources below provide assistance to teachers and administrators who support students participating in the alternate assessment.
What is KSA testing in Kentucky?
KSA provides content area assessments, including reading and mathematics at all grades, and science, social studies, writing, and editing and mechanics once per grade band (i.e. elementary, middle, and high). These assessments are Kentucky’s measure of student proficiency and progress on the state content standards.
What do K-prep scores mean?
What do K-PREP scores mean? Students can receive one of four scores on K-PREP tests: novice, apprentice, proficient or distinguished. Students get a score for each subject area they take a test on, so they can get a novice in math while scoring proficient in reading. Novice is the lowest level.
What are the 3 model of alternative assessment?
According to Simonson and others, there are three approaches in alternative assessment: Authentic assessment, performance-based assessment, and constructivist assessment.
What is alternative assessment PDF?
that alternative assessment encompasses forms of assessment that involve a. variety of tasks, all requiring learners to use higher-level thinking skills in real- life or authentic situations (Al Ruqeishi, 2015). In this way, alternative assess- ment places assessment at the very heart of instruction.
What is the alternative K?
The Alternate K-PREP is the assessment provided to Kentucky students with the most severe cognitive disabilities. The resources below provide assistance to students participating in the Alternate assessment.
What is KSA testing for?
It is where you identify how you use the knowledge, skill, or ability in your job or experiences. This kind of information is at the core of the KSA process. (This process is sometimes called “Task Analysis.”) You need to ask specific questions about the experience you have identified.
What is the assessor of alternative assessment?
Alternative assessment is a form of student performance grading that allows for a more holistic approach to student assessment. The traditional form of student assessment involves the average grading of a cumulative set of work for a given time period.
What is the focus of alternative assessment?
Alternative assessment is any classroom assessment practice that focuses on continuous individual student progress. Perhaps the best way to define alternative assessment is to say that it’s the counter to traditional forms of standardized assessment.
What curriculum is used in alternative learning system?
The ALS Program uses a contextualized non-formal curriculum which is substantially aligned with the K to 12 Curriculum for Basic Education of the formal school system, but it is not the mirror image of the formal school curriculum.
How many questions are on the KSA?
Each KSA has 60 questions to be completed, with a passing score of 80% required. You can take this as many times as needed to achieve the passing threshold. After answering each question, you will receive a critique and set of references to support your learning.
What are the three models of alternative assessment?
How long does ALS program take?
eight to ten months
ALS A & E classes take a minimum of 800 hours to complete. These may last from eight to ten months, although the duration may vary depending on the progress of the learners. The duration of livelihood programs depends on the specific skill being learned.
What are the 6 learning strand of ALS?
Learning Areas Scientific Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills. Mathematical and Problem Solving Skills. Life and Career Skills. Understanding the Self and Society.
What is the alternate Kentucky summative assessment?
Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, the Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment will be administered. Alternate K-PREP is based upon two components: Attainment Tasks (AT) and the Transition Attainment Record (TAR). These components play vital roles in the assessment of the individual student.
Does Senate Bill 175 apply to the Kentucky alternate assessment?
As noted in Senate Bill 175, the changes that occur and apply to all areas of learning must also apply to the Kentucky Alternate Assessment.
What are the components of alternate k-prep?
Alternate K-PREP is based upon two components: Attainment Tasks (AT) and the Transition Attainment Record (TAR). These components play vital roles in the assessment of the individual student. Attainment tasks are performance events that require students to complete a task, working step by step as directed by the teacher.
What is an alternate assessment target?
An Alternate Assessment Target represents limits to a selected Kentucky Academic Standard. An Alternate Assessment Target may reduce parts of the standard with specific guidance to what an assessment item could represent.