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How do you treat thumb felons?

How do you treat thumb felons?

In the early stages of an infection, your healthcare provider can usually treat a felon finger infection with antibiotics. They’ll instruct you to soak your finger in warm water and keep it elevated. In later stages of an infection, an abscess can form and your healthcare provider may need to drain the felon.

What is a felon finger infection?

A felon is an infection that occurs within the closed-space compartments of the fingertip pulp. The swelling leads to intense throbbing pain. The surrounding tissues are at risk for ischemia if the blood flow is compromised by compression from edema and pus formation.

How do you know if you have felon fingers?

Felon: The fingertip is swollen and painful. The swelling usually develops over several days and is located in the pad area of the fingertip. The area will have a throbbing pain and be painful to the touch. The area is usually red, and a visible collection of pus may be seen under the skin.

How do you drain a felony finger?

The wound may be held open with a small rubber drain or packed loosely with gauze, and a loose bandage is applied. The patient is usually required to soak the finger two to three times a day in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, saline or soapy water until the wound is healed.

How long does a finger felon last?

Because an enlarging abscess in the finger reduces blood supply into the area, it is hard for your body’s immune system to fight this type of infection. Felons almost always need to be opened and drained by a doctor before they can heal. Most clear up within days to weeks.

Can you treat a finger felon at home?

In some cases, if recognized early, a felon finger can be treated at home. A conservative approach is to treat the felon finger by soaking it in warm water and elevating it for about 10–15 minutes, three or four times a day. Elevation by resting the finger above the level of the heart can also prove beneficial.

Should I go to ER for finger felon?

Because of the complications that can occur from a felon, you should see your doctor and go to an emergency room for immediate care if you develop sudden or severe pain or swelling in a finger.

How do you drain a felony infection?

Mild finger infections may be treated with antibiotics alone. You also may soak your finger in warm water. If the infection is deeper or there is a lot of pus, the doctor may open the area to drain the pus. This is sometimes done in an operating room.