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What is the fastest way to level in WoW TBC?

What is the fastest way to level in WoW TBC?

WoW TBC Classic fast level tips

  1. Complete quests…
  2. … but pay attention to colours in your quest log.
  3. Let professions give you a helping hand.
  4. Group up for an easier time.
  5. Speaking of groups, do dungeons.
  6. Set your hearthstone to save time.
  7. Kill enemies between quests.
  8. Don’t forget rested experience.

Is Leveling in TBC easier than classic?

Leveling in TBC Classic is not quite as difficult as the 1-60 journey in WoW Classic, but is still difficult. The fastest players may reach Level 70 in under 24 hours, but most players can expect 2 or more days of played time.

How long does it take to get to 70 in WoW TBC?

In total—assuming you spend all your time playing Classic WoW leveling—it will take you about eight days played to reach level 70. With AFK time and downtime taken into account, it could take up to nine or 10 days to hit the max level.

How long does it take to LVL 1 to 70 TBC?

about 72-96 hours
That said, current estimates suggest that you’re looking at about 72-96 hours to go from 1-70 in TBC Classic.

Can you boost Blood Elf in TBC?

It’s been long enough – Blizzard allow players to boost Blood Elves and Draenei in TBC to level 58.

Is anyone level 70 TBC Classic?

WoW: Burning Crusade Classic Players Are Already Reaching Level 70. It took players in one of the world’s top World of Warcraft Classic raiding guilds around 13 hours to reach the game’s new cap of level 70.

What class should I play in TBC Classic?

Unless Blizzard makes some major changes to TBC, you can expect Warlocks to be the most dominant DPS class in the game for quite some time. While Destruction Warlocks are probably your best bet if you’re looking for the simplest form of incredible damage output, all Warlock specs will be viable when TBC launches.

What level do you learn tricks of the trade?

Tricks of the Trade is a core rogue ability learned at level 78. It is similar to a hunter’s Misdirection in which it will transfer all threat gained from the rogue’s next attack and all the of the rogue’s actions taken for 6 seconds after that attack to the party or raid member on which it is cast.

How do you use tricks of the trade on a rogue?

Casting Tricks of the Trade on a member will give the rogue a twenty second window to start attacking or it will expire. Tricks of the Trade removes any inhibitions for rogues opening up on a target with high burst damage and taking the chance of pulling aggro away from the tank.

What do I do if my trader is missing?

Find and rouse the missing Trader. To pass the time, traders have been known to consume beverages of an inspired nature, if you know what I mean. Sometimes, they drink a bit too much. Your trader might have stumbled beyond the gates and passed out under a tree. It’s been known to happen from time to time.

How do traders pass the time?

To pass the time, traders have been known to consume beverages of an inspired nature, if you know what I mean. Sometimes, they drink a bit too much. Your trader might have stumbled beyond the gates and passed out under a tree.